First and foremost the World Council of Independent Christian Churches does not believe the entire council of God can be reduced to a “few' key points of doctrine. When looking to the belief of WCICC consider our doctrinal statement to begin in Genesis and end in Revelation.  For the purpose of summary we have attached the following list of key points of doctrinal stance.
  • We believe in the divine inspiration and authority of the Scriptures. (2 Timothy 3:16) We believe in the inerrancy of Scripture in the Original Autograph. (Job 32:8).

  • We believe in one God (Deuteronomy 6:4, Jn 10:30) revealed as eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that God created a host of angels, some of whom followed the lead of Lucifer, now called Satan, in rebelling against God, thereby bringing sin into the world. We believe in Satan's ultimate complete defeat by the Lord Jesus Christ / Yeshua. (Genesis 3:15, Revelation 20:2).

  • We believe that man was created in the image of God, that man sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death but also that spiritual death; which is separation from God; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature and, become sinners in thought, word and deed. With such a nature, they are incapable of producing anything acceptable to God. (Gen 3:8-24, Rom 3:10-12).

  • We believe that Jesus Christ/Yeshua was begotten of the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin,  Mary, and is true God and true man. We believe that He died for the sins of men as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice. We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of Jesus Christ/Yeshua, in His ascension into heaven.  (Mat 1:20).

  • We believe that men are justified by grace through faith, on the ground of the shed blood of Jesus Christ/Yeshua, and that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ/Yeshua as Savior are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become the children of God ( EPH 2:8-10, JN 3:3-8).

  • We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlasting conscious blessedness of the saved and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost ( MAT 25:31-46).

  • We believe that it is the supreme responsibility of believers to testify to the saving power of  the  gospel ( ACT 1:8).

  • We believe that it is the duty of each believer to live a holy life unto God, keeping himself unspotted from the world, and that it is God's intention that this shall be accomplished in the believer's life by his constant dependence on the divine enablement of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Scriptures both Old and New Testament, not by man, describe Holiness ( PSA 1:1-2; 119:1-8, JN 2:15-17).

  • We believe that God in the Scriptures has progressively revealed Himself through the Scriptures and directly through the Prophets ( EPH 2:19-22).

  • We believe that the Church had its historical beginning at Pentecost; is composed solely of believers ( ACT 2:1-41).

  • We believe that at any moment the Rapture of the saved may occur, when "the Lord himself shall descend from heaven" to catch up His people to meet Him "in the air" ( I Th 4:13-18).

  • We believe in the personal, bodily return of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will then set up His kingdom upon the earth for His thousand-year reign, after which He will deliver the kingdom to the Father ( MAT 24:29-31).

  • We believe that all believers should live a life of obedience to the scriptures both Old and New Testament ( DEU 4:39-40, JN15:10, I JN 3:24) .

Code of Ethics for Clergy

Preamble: Serving God as an ordained clergy person in the World Council of Independent Christian Churches is not a right but a privilege that requires certain responsibilities and standards of conduct.

  1. Clergy will ensure that their conduct at all times reflects the fact that they are in the service of Jesus Christ and His people (Gal 5:22-26) (Phil 4:8) (Phil 2:3-8).

  2. Clergy will not link the name of the World Council of Independent Christian Churches with any commercial enterprise, political parties, or other activities that may cause the WCICC to be held in disrepute.

  3. Clergy will not use their position for personal gain or to exploit those they serve. (1 Pet 5:2-4)

  4. Clergy will avoid acts of a sinful nature (Gal 5:19-21).

  5. Clergy will respectfully submit to the authority of the Board of Elders of the WCICC.

  6. Clergy will seek to grow through regular prayer and study (2 Tim 2:15) (Acts 6:4).

  7. Clergy will at all times seek the greatest good of those they serve. This includes referring people to appropriate professionals when the scope of a
    problem is beyond the professional competency of the clergy person.

  8. Clergy are to maintain the confidentiality of those they counsel and serve in accordance with scriptural principles and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the clergy person serves.

  9. Clergy are expected to faithfully honor their obligation to prayerfully and financially support the WCICC. (Matt 5:37)(Acts 5:3-4)

  10. The WCICC does not support homosexual marriage. Clergy agrees not to perform any homosexual blessings,unions or marriages (Romans 1:27)


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